Congratulations to our colleague Doug Fox, and to attorney Lawrence Cohen, on being chosen as recipients of a 2019 John Adams and John Quincy Adams Pro Bono Publico Award in recognition for their many years of pro bono service to the residents of Jeremiah's Inn in Worcester, Massachusetts. Jeremiah’s Inn provides residents the opportunity to live in a safe, supportive and sober environment while helping them balance the demands of a job and recovery from substance abuse. The Supreme Judicial Court’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services hosted an awards ceremony on Thursday, October 24th in the Supreme Judicial Court courtroom at the John Adams Courthouse in Boston. During the ceremony, the Committee honored Attorneys Fox and Cohen, along with the other recipients of this year's Adams Awards, and also recognized the attorneys, law firms, and organizations that participated in the Court’s Pro Bono Honor Roll Program. Melick & Porter is proud to encourage and support the pro bono efforts of Doug and our other attorneys.

Attorney Doug Fox Wins 2019 Adams Pro Bono Publico Award